
Integrating a New Motor Controller

The following steps are needed for integrating a new motor controller in Being.

  1. Subclass being.motors.controllers.Controller
    1. Define emergency descriptions

    2. Define supported homing methods

    3. Overwrite apply_motor_direction method

    4. [Optional] Overwrite init_homing method if another homing type than being.motors.homing.CiA402Homing is required.

  2. Register new controller type in being.motors.blocks.CONTROLLER_TYPES.

from typing import List, Set
from being.motors.controllers import Controller

class R2D2(Controller):
        # Code   Mask    Description
        #(0x0000, 0xFF00, 'No error'),
    """(error code, error mask, description) tuples."""

    SUPPORTED_HOMING_METHODS: Set[int] = {1, 2, 3, 4}  # ...
    """Supported homing methods for the controller. See CiA 402
    homing methods.

    def apply_motor_direction(self, direction: float):
        """For direction in -1.0 or 1.0 configure the motor
        direction of the controller.