
Blocks and Connections

Blocks are the main building blocks in being (pun intended). Each block encapsulates certain functionalities and can pass data to and from its neighbors.

Some connected blocks.

Some connected blocks.

Connecting blocks takes place by connecting their output & input connectables. There are two types of connections:

  • Value (⇢) connections are intended for continuous streams of data. Think audio samples or motor position values. Accessed via the value attributes.

  • Message (→) connections send and receive discrete messages.

This results in 4 different connectable types:









Outputs and inputs can be connected with the connect method. It is possible to connect one output to multiple inputs but not the other way round (multiple outputs to one single input).

Output connectable with multiple inputs.

Output connectable with multiple inputs.

Data can be passed around with the value attribute and the send / receive methods. The following snippets illustrate how data can propagate for value and message based connections respectively.

"""Value connection."""
from being.connectables import ValueOutput, ValueInput

valueOut = ValueOutput()
valueIn = ValueInput()

valueOut.value = 42
print(valueIn.value)  # Prints 42
"""Message connection."""
from being.connectables import MessageOutput, MessageInput

msgOut = MessageOutput()
msgIn = MessageInput()

msgOut.send('Hello, world!')
for msg in msgIn.receive():
    print(msg)  # Prints 'Hello, world!'

Each block has the following connectable attributes:

The pipe operator | can be used to chain multiple blocks via their primary inputs and outputs

# Pipe operator for 3x blocks
a | b | c

# Is equivalent to:
# >>> a.output.connect(b.input)
# ... b.output.connect(c.input)
# or
# >>> a.outputs[0].connect(b.inputs[0])
# ... b.outputs[0].connect(c.inputs[0])

Block Network and Execution Order

The blocks together with the connections form a block network. This is a directed graph and forms the core of every being program. Given such a block network being will try to find a suitable execution order of these blocks and tick every block once per cycle by calling its being.block.Block.update() method.

Directed graph with cycle

Directed graph with cycle

Resulting execution order is [A, B, C, D] although C and D could be swapped depending on the insertion order.

from being.block import Block
from being.execution import determine_execution_order

class Foo(Block):

    """Example block printing and passing on messages."""

    def __init__(self):

    def update(self):
        for msg in self.input.receive():
            first, *rest = msg

# Initializing blocks
a = Foo()
b = Foo()
c = Foo()

# Making the connections
a | b | c

# Determining the execution order. One initial block of the network
# suffices (vertex discovery)
execOrder = determine_execution_order([b])

# Executing a single cycle with some data
a.input.push(['Hello', 'world', '!'])
for block in execOrder:

This will output


When running a being block network with the being.awakening.awake() function the execution order will be executed indefinitely. The interval duration is taken from being.configuration.

Configs and Parameters

In order to add new possible user input on the fly being has so called Parameter Blocks. Each of these blocks outputs a value and appears in the UI as widget with which the value can be changed. The state of these parameter blocks gets mirrored in a config file on disk so that the parameter stay persistent between subsequent runs.

"""Parameter block demo."""
from being.awakening import awake
from being.block import Block
from being.params import Slider, SingleSelection, MultiSelection, MotionSelection

block = Block()

# Creating new ad-hoc value inputs and connecting them the parameter blocks
Slider('Some/Value') | block.add_value_input()
SingleSelection('Some/Single', ['first', 'second', 'third']) | block.add_value_input()
MultiSelection('Some/Multi', ['first', 'second', 'third']) | block.add_value_input()
MotionSelection('Motions') | block.add_value_input()


In the UI this looks like this:

Parameter panel widget screenshot.

Parameter panel

And the being_params.yaml config file

  Value: 0.5
  Single: first
  - second
- Excited
- Untitled

JSON, INI and TOML are also supported although INI is not suited for the usage with parameters blocks (no support for nested mappings and datatypes).


JSON serialization of the different being object is defined in being.serialization. Custom types get mapped to and from dictionary representation which can be converted to JSON strings.

This conversion is taken care by being.serialization.dumps() and being.serialization.loads().

JSON serialization of being objects.

JSON serialization of being objects.

It is also possible to serialize named tuples and enums. But these types have to be registered after creation (being.serialization.register_named_tuple() and being.serialization.register_enum()).

from typing import NamedTuple
from being.serialization import register_named_tuple, dumps

class Foo(NamedTuple):
   first: str = 'hello'
   second: int = 42

foo = Foo(second=1234)
# {"type": "Foo", "first": "hello", "second": 1234}

Web UI and API

When running a Being program a web based user interface gets started up. This allows the user to interact with the system in real-time. Depending on the used blocks some HTML templating is involved for generating the single page. But for the most part communication between front- and backend takes place over a HTTP based API and a web socket connection to exchange asynchronous messages and updates. Everything web related can be found in the being.web package together with the static files and the JavaScript code.

The frontend is grouped in different widgets. Each widget is its own web Web Components. Most widgets will fetch some initial data and then receive subsequent updates via the web socket connection.


Basic network functionality is implemented in the being.networking.NetworkOut and being.networking.NetworkIn blocks. These blocks send and receive being messages as UDP datagrams. This makes it possible to split a being program over multiple computers. The message types must be serializable by being. Use standard Python types like a dictionary or register your custom types with the being serialization system.


System resources have limited availability and need to be released when the program shuts down. In the context of being this refers to the CAN interface and network sockets. These resources are handled by a global contextlib.ExitStack in being.resources.

When resources are acquired at run-time it is important to use the being.resources.manage_resources() context manager so that the collected resources can be released at the end.

from being.networking import NetworkIn
from being.resources import manage_resources

with manage_resources():
   # Creates and binds a socket internally
   incoming = NetworkIn(address=('', 56790))

# Socket gets released here

The same logic applies to the CAN interface, RPi GPIO, port audio backend…

Single Instance Cache

For comfort, some types get instantiated implicitly when needed. For example, when creating a being.motors.blocks.CanMotor block, by default a being.backends.CanBackend instance gets created as well. Similarly every being.motion_player.MotionPlayer block needs a being.clock.Clock and a being.content.Content instance.

The being.utils.SingleInstanceCache base class caches all these instances. These de-facto global variables are an anti-pattern but opposed to the classical singleton pattern single instantiation is not enforced and these single instances are only used as default values. All classes, which make use of single instances, also accept them via their initialize method (dependency injection).

from being.utils import SingleInstanceCache

class Foo(SingleInstanceCache):
    def __init__(self):
        print('Foo gets initialized')

print('Initialized:', Foo.single_instance_initialized())  # Initialized: False
a = Foo.single_instance_setdefault()  # Foo gets initialized
b = Foo.single_instance_setdefault()
print('a is b:', a is b)  # a is b: True


Splines are special mathematical functions. They are used to interpolate between values.

\[S: [a,b]\to \mathbb{R}^n\]

Being deals exclusively with piecewise polynomial parametric curves. This is a chain of multiple segments where each segment is a cubic polynomial spline in the Bernstein basis. Below is a plot with a scalar spline made out of two segments.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import BPoly
from being.plotting import plot_spline_2

# Polynomial coefficient matrix
c = [[0, 2], [0, 2], [2, 1], [2, 1]]

# Knots or breakpoints
x = [0, 1, 3]

spline = BPoly(c, x)


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


The shape (k, m, ...) of the coefficient matrix c controls the nature of the spline and its output format. k is the spline order and m the number of segments or intervals. Concerning the output values:

  • shape (k, m): Scalar spline outputs 1.234.

  • shape (k, m, 1): One dimensional spline outputs [1.234].

  • shape (k, m, 3): Three dimensional spline outputs [1.234, 1.234, 1.234].


Because of convience scalar splines are represented as one dimensional splines in being.


A being.curve.Curve is a container for splines. Each motion curve has multiple individual splines. These are independent and do not share any break points or coefficients. Each of these splines defines a motion channel which can be routed to motors. A curve should have at least one spline.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import BPoly

from being.curve import Curve

first = BPoly([[[0], [1]], [[0], [1]], [[1], [0]], [[1], [0]] ], [0, 1, 3])
second = BPoly([[[1]], [[1]], [[0]], [[0]]], [0, 2])

curve = Curve([first, second])
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 100)
plt.plot(t, curve(t, extrapolate=False))

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



A being.content.Content instance manages all user defined motion curves inside a directory. Curves are saved as JSON files in this folder.

Motion Player

The being.motion_player.MotionPlayer block plays motion curves on the motors. It accepts motion commands messages as instructions for which curve to schedule next. Curves are loaded from the content directory, sampled and outputted via the position outputs (being.motion_player.MotionPlayer.positionOutputs).

Motion Player steering multiple motors

Motion Player steering multiple motors


The reason for the additional positionOutputs attribute is, that at some point it was planed to add feedback connection to notify when a motion curve had been played succefully or not. outputs would then have an addional entry.


A motor block accepts target position and outputs actual position values.

Motor block input and output values.

Motor block input and output values.

Motor blocks come in different flavors, depending on the physical configuration (linear vs. Rotary motors, different rotary motor variations). All of these are represented by the different classes in being.motors.blocks.

Since many motors have relative encoders they need to be homed after turning them on so that they can orient them self and find their initial position.

Motor blocks can be enabled or disabled. This corresponds to the Operation Enabled and Ready to Switch On states of the CiA 402 State Machine.

By default, CAN motors are run in the Cyclic Synchronous Position (CSP) operation mode. Every cycle a new target position value is send to the motor via PDO. Trajectory generation is mostly done on the application side. Note although, that this is handled very differently between the different vendors. It is also possible to run motor blocks in the Profiled Position mode. In this case, the target position input is ignored. Instead the motor block accepts being.motors.definitions.PositionProfile messages which will be relayed to the motor.


The CanMotors have a settings argument which can be used to apply custom configurations to the motor. Settings are a dictionary with address to value mappings. The address can also be a string with slashes (/ path syntax). In this case the EDS object dictionary is used to resolve the target address. Path parts can also be integer numbers (decimal, hexadecimal, …)


Most motors are sensitive to the order in which settings are applied. Therefore using a collections.OrderedDict is advised.

State Switching

For switching to an arbitrary target state the CiA 402 State Machine needs to be traversed in the right way. What complicates things is that this can take an arbitrary amount of time. Two methods exists in the being.cia_402.CiA402Node CanOpen remote node:

  • being.cia_402.CiA402Node.change_state(): Blocking with a timeout. This is not suited for live operation since everything else will be blocked including PDO communication and Sync messages (NMT operational).

  • being.cia_402.CiA402Node.state_switching_job(): Creates a Python Generator which handles the state traversal. Responsibility for ticking the Generator is with the caller. Kind of a pseudo coroutine which makes it possible to interlace multiple state switchings with the normal operation.

A small example for the latter

"""This example illustrates how the state of multiple nodes can be
switched simultaneously.
import time
from being.can.cia_402 import State

NODES = []
"""List of some connected CiA 402 node instances."""

jobs = [
    for node in NODES

while jobs:
    for job in jobs.copy():  # Copy because mutating while iterating
            # Ticking state switching job
        except StopIteration:
            # Done with state switching for this job


# Done with state switching

These state switching jobs are managed by the being.motors.controller.Controller instances. The calling chain for enabling a motor block is the following:

  1. Motor block gets enabled

  2. Motor block enables controller

  3. Controllers creates state switching job

  4. Calling the motor blocks update method, ticks the controller, ticks the active state switching job


A motor can be in the following homing states:





Each controller has a homing instance which manages the homing of a motor. For most cases the standard CiA 402 homing can be used (being.motors.homing.CiA402Homing). However some motors do not support the unofficial hard stop homing which is used in many Pathos projects. Therefore there is a second homing implementation being.motors.homing.CrudeHoming.


Once the NMT state is set to operational some motors expect periodic CAN messages which are on time. Namely RPDO and SYNC messages. Some motors will switch off and go into an error state if they do not receive these messages for a longer period.

Since Being is written in Python, single threaded (not counting third party dependencies) and mostly running on non-real-time operating systems this can not be guaranteed. When the work load gets to high e.g. with a complete web page reload our main loop drags behind and the critical messages can not be send. (Fun fact, on macOS 10.15 it is enough to open the spotlight search and every time one enters a character in the search field this will break out the being process. Also without a running web server).

To mitigate this a little there is the being.pacemaker.Pacemaker thread. When activated this thread gets ticked by the main loop. If the main loop is not on time (with some margin) the pacemaker will jump in and send out the latest messages again to bridge the gap.

However, this only works for a subset of lags and is no guarantee. A non-real-time operating system can always pause the being process how it seems fit. This is why some controllers in Being have a auto recovery for the RPDO Timeout Error. The motor will jerk but at least it keeps on running.

As an outlook an improvement could be:

  • Operating system with a Preempt-RT Patch

  • Move the actual CAN bus / interface to its own, separated RT process and replace it with a proxy to forward communication via IPC