Some common pitfalls

Every Other Time I have to disconnect the CAN interface

Are you releasing your resources after your program has ran?

from being.backends import CanBackend

with CanBackend() as network:  # <- will disconnect network after exiting `with` block

Strange Errors in Browser Developers Tools

Try hard-refreshing the webpage. When making changes on the code the cached JS code in the browser can lead to unexpected errors

I See No Logs

Being uses the standard Python logging system which can be tricky. This Stackoverflow post is a good summary how to work with the Python logging system Python Logging Not Outputting Anything. In general every logger instance in Being is a child logger of the being root logger being.logging.BEING_LOGGER. New logger get created with being.logging.get_logger(). When setting the logger level to logging.DEBUG:

import logging

this will also set every other logger to DEBUG (e.g. can will log every CAN message). There is a util function to suppress other loggers besides Being being.logging.suppress_other_loggers(). But caution, this will also suppress every HTTP request by default!

Web Server Not Starting up With Many Motors on a Raspberry Pi

The default interval rate is quite sportive and with more than two motors a Raspberry Pi might come to its performance limit. Try increasing the interval rate in being.configuration or changing your design from stream target postion values to one using profiled position instead.